I have worked really hard to make this unique and different. I
believe I can teach almost anything we need to learn in math in game
form. Yes that takes more time for me BUT my students deserve it!
I will be posting a few pictures in a couple days of ways I have made
worksheets into games that my kids BEG for!
Now, I will give you the low
down on how I am using this in my classroom. I am going to use jus the
card games for about 2 days where that is the main lesson. Then
the third day, I will start working on the word problem cards. I
will give details on how I do the word games at the bottom.
First, I get a file folder. I
make the first page the cover for the folder. That helps the kids know
what they are going to get. Then, I cut out the directions and put them
on either side. This helps with the, "I don't know how to play
this" OR "I was in the bathroom when you taught this"
comments. I have a laminator at my school so I have them all laminated so
I can reuse them again next year. I cut out all of the cards and have
them in a plastic baggie with the name of the game on it so we do not mix bags
I have two ways that I introduce a
game. 1. I choose a random person to be my partner and we play the
game together. My cards would be face up and the partner or opponent's
card would be on the floor. This helps with any game to teach
strategies. I then have them play against me. Sometimes I let them
win other times I win, I try to keep it fun. ;) 2. I
have a reward system and one of the rewards is "teach a lesson to the
class." This is the time I usually use this reward. I work one
on one with that child and they get to learn the game. Once I feel like
they can teach it to someone, they lead the class in the game just like I would
have. This lets them feel confident and the class feels more like a team.
When the games are ready, I put them
in the middle of the floor, where my big carpet is. I then pull sticks on
who gets to go to the carpet first. When they get to the carpet, they
must choose a game that they have not played today. Since there are cards
2-10 for multiplication, I would put the easy ones out first. Maybe 2, 3,
5, 9, and 10. If you laminated your file folder they could use wet
erase markers to work any problems they might not know off the top of their
heads. If you could not, let them use a scratch sheet of paper or dry
erase board. Letting them work it out is very important. Each time
we have a "round," they must have a different partner. I NEVER
pick partners for them just for the fact that this is their learning time and I
want them to feel comfortable on what they are doing. I also will set a
timer on my phone between 10-15. Depending on where we are going.
Make sure you have a back up for kids who can not behave in the rounds with the
other kids.
I have to say, my favorite part
about doing stations like this is the communication between the kids. I
have only taught my students the 2, 3, and 9 deliberately. They knew 10, 9, 5, and 1 just from second grade. They work with their
partners to learn how to do the rest. I taught my kids the 9 trick with
the fingers. (Let me know if you would like me to teach you
that.) They caught on QUICK! After each station, while they are cleaning up and putting them back where they found it, I will call out facts. The kids will yell it out as they know it. You would be surprised how quickly they will start saying the answers.
I constantly walk around to listening
and helping different groups. I love hearing them saying things like, "how do you know that 6 x 6 is 36." "Oh you did an array to find it out?" They love
playing games with each other but they are learning so quickly tricks they
taught themselves.
For the word problems, I have a
large carpet in the middle of my room. I ask all the students to sit on
the perimeter of the carpet. I then throw all of the word problem cards
on the ground and have each child get one. Once they have one, I
throw the answers out. They have to get one of those too. They
must each have something they can work the problem with and a way to show they
did the work. I say go and they must find the person who has
their answer and the person that has their problem. My kids
think it is so fun to hunt for the person. When we are done the first
time, I collect all of the cards with the answer and go over how the
person solved the problem. I want them to see how there are so
many different ways you can solve the problem, picture, array,
multiples, groups of, or just knowing it from your head. They will
have chances later in the week to play this in one of their stations again.
It is also an option to do, "I have, who has" since each person has one of each kind of card!
I hope you have found this useful
and not me just typing on and on. I would love to communicate with you
and see how you liked my product. I am also in need of one or two people
that can proofread and edit products for me. In turn, you may use the
products in your own classroom.
Thanks for following!
God bless,