A coworker today showed me a really cool website that I thought I should share. I have been teaching poetry all week and it has been going great! I taught stanzas Monday and couplet, simile, and metaphors today.
This link is the link for a GREAT lesson on simile and metaphor I was talking about. It has recent songs that the kids can sing along with which is good for authentic engagement. Simile and Metaphor.
This weekend was a little different in the Elder household. I am finally feeling back to normal instead of sleeping every second of the day but hubby went to church camp. Sorry ladies....He is all mine!
My theme definition and drawing, I usually never post pictures of something I made because I am the worst drawer EVER but I was pretty proud of this one.
This next week, I am going to be working on poetry with my kids. I am excited because we are going to make our own little books! They are going to love it!